
dietprefs (not hosted but I bought domain)

Built By: Phillip

Looking For: I'd really like to meet someone interested in a long-term commitment where they code now and make many tweaks and iterations in exchange for becoming CTO. Dietprefs has matured to the point where I must involve more minds and skillsets than my own. How the backend will operate requires a high degree of customization, so a person who really understands data structures, algorithms and Big O will stand out.

Stage: Wireframes based off 2 previous prototypes/betas. The following milestones are being pursued; building scalable app that is google play / app store ready, launching app, raising money. I really want to raise money prior to launching, but more can be raised if app is launched. However, building scalable app that is google play / app store ready is immediate milestone

Purpose: To deliver an app which is a useful tool for people with dietary preferences. If you are vegetarian and allergic to nuts; yelp, google reviews, tripadvisor, grubhub, doordash, ubereats, and postmates do not effectively filter out content irrelevant to you. My app does not do text based food review or delivery services. It offers a superior starting point to reaching these services for the 1/6th of humanity with dietary preferences, though much information can be quickly gained just by staying on app. The app's name is dietprefs though menuRedux is another name under consideration.

Technology: Last iteration of app was react-native with mongoDB backend. Much was learned from this, it was shown to roughly 100 people. I've wireframed extensively based on feedback. The app is simple, apart from adding data, there are only 3 layouts. It is mobile only. Tech stack should be selected around solving a very unique scalability problem.

Why: Oh they care. The reason why there's literally 100,000 people with food app ideas is because no-one is truly satisfied with what's out there. What separates me from the other 100,000 is after looking at my app, I have some people saying "that is useful to me. Nothing currently out there is useful to me". Either you, or someone you eat with, knows existing web services do not accommodate their allergens/ picky diets. Some people believe their diets are part of their identity, but some, such as diabetics, are required to avoid sugar. Its not a lifestyle choice, it's an inconvenience they already deal with. Dietprefs lessens inconvenience. Once we get everything containing sugar out, what are some appealing restaraunts nearby, how many applicable items are at each restaurant, etc. This approach is especially useful if you have multiple parameters. It's not just useful for super picky people either, though they are core market. Does "Organic+Gmo-free+under $10" sound that niche?

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