Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
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/Answer Posted By: Nicolás
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Good question! I tend to daydream BIG - life accomplishments, personal struggles I will conquer, career achievements, mountains I see myself summiting, seas I would like to sail, battles I get hardened by after emerging victorious. A typical one entails winning the recognition of a group of people for a feat, earning self-respect for what I have done/learned, beating my worst instincts and becoming a better person, and leaving a family legacy which generations to come will pass on to their loved ones. In other words, I have big plans for myself.
Looking For: I'm looking for a young company with an awesome team to join!
/Answer Posted By: vicki
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Always family
when my idea is bought by the GIANT, I will use the proceeds to create a trust that will pay for the college of all descendants of my great grand parents.
Looking For: I am looking for a developer to create an app that will use my CRM to create communication
/Answer Posted By: james
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
I constantly find myself thinking about my next goal and I dreaming about ways to make it happen. If I want to reach a goal I think about it endlessly.
Looking For: Looking to build a team and get assistance in financing my application idea
/Answer Posted By: Jon
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
full of uncharted mistakes, then scanning/sorting them to see which ones don't suck.
Looking For: Mac/iOS Developer w/20+ years mac, 10+ years iOS. looking for contract work
/Answer Posted By: LeeLee
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Some beautiful men from my past, usually, and some trippy artistic transference from one setting to the next. Like changing channels on a television but the actors are the same.
Looking For: I am here to make apps
/Answer Posted By: Craig
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
I daydream about starting a company or non-profit that helps others bring their ideas to life. The space would have all the equipment, technology, and staff to be able to prototype anything. The idea is similar to a maker space, just on a whole other level in terms of professionalism and quality of the space. The daydream also includes a whole program for bringing in college and high school students so that they really understand what STEM looks like in the real world, and to peak their interest around science and technology.
Looking For: I have been interested in startups for some time now and am looking for something different than the...
/Answer Posted By: THEODOROS
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Reaching small goals a step at a time.
Looking For: Looking for a technical Co-founder for an online ordering solution that has traction, working produc...
/Answer Posted By: Matt
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
A typical one for me would that I have merged education, entertainment and business in a seamless product and helping me live out my passions on all three stages.
Looking For: I’m an entrepreneur who is developing specialized e-Learning platforms for corporations and universi...
/Answer Posted By: Aaron
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Being in nature with my wife and children.
Looking For: I am curious to learn about startup ideas based in Boulder. Willing to consider a role as a technica...
/Answer Posted By: Ben
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
A world where a little kid finds an underwater cave with a 1,000 year old giant octupus who gives him a magic pearl that enables him to understand animals and have amazing adventures.
Looking For: Get feedback on what we are building, meet people, and I could really use 5 to 10 engineers to do cu...
/Answer Posted By: J .
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
I stopped daydreaming in kindergarten after the teacher complained. The world is a poorer place because of it but I liked my short-signted vision-less teacher anyway. I recently started daydreaming again after a lifetime of avoiding such activity and my stories are always the same: Making the world pristine again, free of pollution, throwing all the national leaders (they are all sociopaths) into prison and welding the bars shut, abolishing war by bankrupting the aerospace companies that pour billions into lobbying for war (it is how they make a profit), enforcing the space treaties that ban militarization of space so that people can peacefully settle other world without fear of being blown to bits by military or by terrorists, privacy of consumers & citizens up to European standards, no famine, no hunger, clean water for all humans, clean air for all humans, no micro-plastic in rain, and much more great things. My motives for creating this better world are wanting to be a decent person, practicality (hey, I'm exposed to land, air and water pollution and carcinogens same as you), and becoming extremely rich by doing all this. Oh, and I don't want any thanks or credit or fame. Let other people take the bows. I prefer to do the work and keep my privacy.
Looking For: I am looking for a co-founder. I am here to find a Co Founder.
/Answer Posted By: Cassandra
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Founding an organization that helps people in some way with people that I trust.
Looking For: I just like to network and make friends!
/Answer Posted By: Keevin
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Building a company that I am fulfilled with and helps solve a problem for my customers. Additionally, having freedom to work on the things I care about.
Looking For: I'm looking to meet new people and hopefully clique with a developer who'd like to work on projects ...
/Answer Posted By: Phillip
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
They'll be some sort of problem or injustice and I imagine a fix. I usually come up with something that would only be a solution to a few people. That's the productive 1% of my daydreams. Then there's 99% scatterbrained nonsense where I'm equal parts procrastinating, having fun, and dealing with my emotions.
Looking For: To meet programmer(s) interested in my startup and network in general
/Answer Posted By: Shepherd
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Contemplating on what is going to happen in the next episode of a series I am watching.
Looking For: I just like listening to new ideas.
/Answer Posted By: Manish
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
Redesign the world, together science and nature.
Looking For: Co-founder
/Answer Posted By: Alex
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
obtaining financial freedom to pursue all of my ideas how to make this world a better place
Looking For: Looking for developers to contribute to open source project ETAbot (AI for Project Management)
/Answer Posted By: Nimra
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
I started off my CS career rough. I was insecure, I didn't care about learning and I just wanted to get by. After my first internship, I learned the importance of effort. I became sad I wasted such precious time just getting by and not really putting in the effort I could have.
I day dream that I make up for lost time. I hope to spread more awareness and connect with young females in tech who are intimated, like I was, and tell them it's okay to not understand That you shouldn't give up because things get hard and that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Looking For: We are looking to network with the community of those with the entrepreneurial spirit so we can inno...
/Answer Posted By: Adishetu
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
WorldPeace, Preservation of Life and Financial Freedom for all.
Looking For: Funding/investors and or Blockchain developer to create a blockchain from scratch for my startup, El...
/Answer Posted By: David
Assuming you create stories (daydreams) in your head, what might a typical one entail?
It always starts with intervention. For example a guy just enjoying a newspaper and drinking his coffee unexpectedly gets a helicopter visit in his driveway. Then it follows with the guy being asked to get in the helicopter, there's no time, etc. If the guy says no then further pressure will push him out his current situation. Almost like Bilbo Baggins and his visit from the dwarves after he rejects Gandalf. If he accepts, then he's given an explanation and his life turns upside down. Said guy must abandon his core beliefs in order to embrace a new truth. This is of course all symbolic of religious conversion, and -- ironically -- it is used in most stories almost religiously. Once accepting the truth, guy proceeds onto journey where he must fight one or more source of "evil" in order to protect the ones he loves. In the end, the evil is triumphantly overcome and guy is able to return to his normal life. Almost normal anyway; the taste of his coffee just isn't the same as it used to be.
Looking For: Find someone with a common goal and try to unite our strengths as one.
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