Get feedback on what we are building, meet people, and I could really use 5 to 10 engineers to do customer dev interviews with to learn.
Long time entrepreneur on the product/marketing/sales/idea side.
Building something that actually helps people and makes their lives better in some way.
marketing, sales, product, ideas, funding, etc.
Business wise, one 8 figure exit, one 7 figure exits, and some small ones. For 8 years I ran and grew a 100% remote company from ~25 people to ~135 around the world., new startup playing with work/meeting analytics, but about to pivot to use that data to help people know what it is like to work somewhere.
Ben's Ventures
Tell Ben to add their ideas and ventures.
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Ben's Answer
Stupid, too surface level 90% of the time. 10% of the time it is huge but most of the ways we are doing it now sucks for that.
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See Other User's Answers
/Answer Posted By: Tor
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
It is extremely empowering and playing field leveling. But unfortunately it can empower stupid people to be stupid and stupid groups of people to be stupid together.
Looking For: I am looking for information on pitching my startup.
/Answer Posted By: Derek
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Both. Next question.
Looking For: I am Founder of a startup company designing an app that connects people with their favorite things.
/Answer Posted By: Alex
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
depends on a person. Like any technology it can be used or misused.
Looking For: Looking for developers to contribute to open source project ETAbot (AI for Project Management)
/Answer Posted By: J .
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Making them stupid.
Looking For: I am looking for a co-founder. I am here to find a Co Founder.
/Answer Posted By: Khari
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
It depends on the person and their use of the tool that social media is. Some people make millions while others make memes.
Sometimes though, those making memes end up making millions, even if it's not in monetary value. Social media can provide a community broader than your geographical location and it's all about who you follow/connect with.
Looking For: A venture to join that's changing the world one user experience at a time.
/Answer Posted By: Shepherd
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
I don't use social media so I couldn't say.
Looking For: I just like listening to new ideas.
/Answer Posted By: Nimra
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Social media is a chaotic good. It can drive people to vanity but also help promote subjects on a global scale. Personally, I like to use social media to stay in touch with the world, but I understand after the hostile Kardashian take-over, we have a very delicate balance on what people use it for.
Looking For: We are looking to network with the community of those with the entrepreneurial spirit so we can inno...
/Answer Posted By: James
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Great for business relations and news proliferation. However it is terrible for peoples interpersonal relationship building.
Looking For: Investors, co-founder/s maybe, developers, coders, interesting people.
/Answer Posted By: Cassandra
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Both. It can be used as a tool to spread knowledge and it can also be a tool to spread misinformation.
Looking For: I just like to network and make friends!
/Answer Posted By: THEODOROS
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Empowering if you can filter what you see.
Looking For: Looking for a technical Co-founder for an online ordering solution that has traction, working produc...
/Answer Posted By: Nicolás
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
It depends on the person - some people get empowered by it and that is a good thing. Others are just not getting any benefit despite their heavy consumption.
Looking For: I'm looking for a young company with an awesome team to join!
/Answer Posted By: Carrie
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Looking For: Opportunity to develop an app for mapping noxious weeds on wildlands and large properties.
/Answer Posted By: Phillip
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Making them stupid. I believe social media users can be split up into 4 qroups after being asked 2 questions. Do you post regularly? Do you feel like there's a community of friends engaging with your posts? If you said yes and yes (Y/Y) social media is making you stupid because it gives you only a sliver of what a real community can, yet occupies your time and fills an emotional need that would otherwise drive you to network in person. It's also possible you're focusing too much time on maintaining a personal brand or image that is not really you, which helps you in no way. If you said yes and no (Y/N) social media is making you stupid because it's making you depressed. You're trying, and failing at filling some social need on the internet. If you said no and yes (N/Y), I'm guessing you're famous, maybe you're getting empowered, but you're rare what's happening to you isn't widespread and is almost certainly accompanied by a real life community of fans/fellow activists. Finally if you said no and no (N/N) you're like me. You're either barely interested or burnt out, and social media is making you stupid because thinking about it makes you into a curmudgeon.
Looking For: To meet programmer(s) interested in my startup and network in general
/Answer Posted By: james
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Social media is a great way to get an idea or product out. It is a great way to build awareness and find information to help. Social media is terrible to peoples self esteem and real life relationships. Social media is not an accurate depiction of life, it is the facade that you want people to see. You have people comparing their facade to others people's facade. Then you also have the people who become emboldened by the anonymity of social media say things that they would never say in a face to face situation. I believe social media could be good, just perhaps not how it currently is.
Looking For: Looking to build a team and get assistance in financing my application idea
/Answer Posted By: LeeLee
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
There’s that duality again.
Looking For: I am here to make apps
/Answer Posted By: Matt
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Making them more shallow, more ADD, more insecure. I think the cons outweigh the pros.
Looking For: I’m an entrepreneur who is developing specialized e-Learning platforms for corporations and universi...
/Answer Posted By: Jim
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
Yes. Either (sometimes both), depending on the person.
Looking For: Love building new stuff from scratch. I like to learning new stuff.
/Answer Posted By: Jon
Is social media empowering people or making them stupid?
many don't need much help in that regard.
Looking For: Mac/iOS Developer w/20+ years mac, 10+ years iOS. looking for contract work