What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?

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Quick Summary
Serial startup guy and current co-founder, Unbounded Systems.
I Enjoy
I enjoy building products and teams. Oh, and getting outside once in a while too!
My Skills
Software developer, entrepreneur, leader, executive.
My History
Built the development organization and product from scratch for a high-performance networking startup--sold to F5 Networks in 2013. Worked for various other networking and communications startups and also for Cisco for 10 years.
I'm Building
Co-founder of Unbounded Systems, making it simple for developers to deploy and test their apps in the cloud or anywhere else.

Mark's Ventures
Unbounded Systems Established: 06/21/2019
Making it simple for developers to deploy and test their apps in the cloud or anywhere else.

What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?

Mark's Answer
Scuba diving!

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