We are looking for a lead developer who wants to work on something that has the potential to serve millions of users and the environment. We are also looking a co-founder who has complementary skills, similar goals, and a will to succeed in building a successful business. Ideally, one person can meet both.
I am passionate about new technology to serve people and the environment.
I enjoy spending time with my family when I am not busy trying to make the world a more sustainable place.
Business Development, Top Management Consulting
For more than eight years, I improved the competitiveness of industrial manufacturing companies, banks, and insurances, etc. Clients achieved their goals in growth, EBITDA improvement, cost reduction, mergers, and acquisitions with my guidance in identifying the greatest levers and implementing actionable steps.
Alba - Easy access to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Katharina's Ventures
Alba Established: 04/18/2019
Alba is solving a machine learning problem in the sustainability domain by providing access to renewable energy and gamifying energy efficiency.
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Katharina's Answer
1. The ability to attract and motivate great people is critical to the success of a company.
2. The biggest risk is not taking any risk.
3. Get to work!
Think you have wisdom or insight, sign in or join to answer the question too.
See Other User's Answers
/Answer Posted By: Craig
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Whatever your mind can imagine, it is within your potential to move towards that thought.
Looking For: I have been interested in startups for some time now and am looking for something different than the...
/Answer Posted By: David
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
If you want to be successful in life, first you have to define success.
Looking For: Find someone with a common goal and try to unite our strengths as one.
/Answer Posted By: Derek
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Slow down, you move too fast. - Simon and Garfunkel.
Looking For: I am Founder of a startup company designing an app that connects people with their favorite things.
/Answer Posted By: Alex
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
when starting a new job/project - start looking/preparing your replacement.
Looking For: Looking for developers to contribute to open source project ETAbot (AI for Project Management)
/Answer Posted By: Khari
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
If a concern comes up, laugh it off.
Looking For: A venture to join that's changing the world one user experience at a time.
/Answer Posted By: Shepherd
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
If your boss doesn't criticize you, it means either one of two things, either your doing everything right or you are about to be fired!
Looking For: I just like listening to new ideas.
/Answer Posted By: Angela
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Don't feel sorry for yourself.
Looking For: MBA looking for passionate co-founder(s) with ability to develop
/Answer Posted By: Nimra
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Failure is success. Without failure you are not challenging yourself. You are not growing or learning, you have flat lined. Failure is what makes you strong and what prepares you for the world.
Looking For: We are looking to network with the community of those with the entrepreneurial spirit so we can inno...
/Answer Posted By: James
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Looking For: Investors, co-founder/s maybe, developers, coders, interesting people.
/Answer Posted By: vicki
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
you only fail when you quit
Looking For: I am looking for a developer to create an app that will use my CRM to create communication
/Answer Posted By: Aaron
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Sell your value, not your time.
Looking For: I am curious to learn about startup ideas based in Boulder. Willing to consider a role as a technica...
/Answer Posted By: Kate
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
When something (a machine, some code, etc) isn't working and you'e stuckl, walk away for a bit and then try again. Always seems to work!
Looking For: A job in the UX/Frontend Web Developer field
/Answer Posted By: Keevin
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Anything worth doing takes time.
Looking For: I'm looking to meet new people and hopefully clique with a developer who'd like to work on projects ...
/Answer Posted By: Ben
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Think bigger
Looking For: Get feedback on what we are building, meet people, and I could really use 5 to 10 engineers to do cu...
/Answer Posted By: THEODOROS
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Work to make your dreams come true, or you will work to make other's dreams come true.
Looking For: Looking for a technical Co-founder for an online ordering solution that has traction, working produc...
/Answer Posted By: Manish
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Learn with life, take decisions.
Looking For: Co-founder
/Answer Posted By: Nicolás
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
If you want revenge, dig two graves.
Looking For: I'm looking for a young company with an awesome team to join!
/Answer Posted By: Carrie
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Don't let other people's problems become your problems.
Looking For: Opportunity to develop an app for mapping noxious weeds on wildlands and large properties.
/Answer Posted By: james
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Looking For: Looking to build a team and get assistance in financing my application idea
/Answer Posted By: LeeLee
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
MAKE LISTS FOR EVERYTHING! What doesn’t get written listed doesn’t get done.
Looking For: I am here to make apps
/Answer Posted By: Matt
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Take risks while you’re young.
Looking For: I’m an entrepreneur who is developing specialized e-Learning platforms for corporations and universi...
/Answer Posted By: Jim
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.
Looking For: Love building new stuff from scratch. I like to learning new stuff.
/Answer Posted By: Phillip
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
"If you had an ID, I would be able to western union you money. You should get an ID"
Looking For: To meet programmer(s) interested in my startup and network in general
/Answer Posted By: Jon
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
happiness is an art-form
Looking For: Mac/iOS Developer w/20+ years mac, 10+ years iOS. looking for contract work
/Answer Posted By: Matt
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
It's not life or death. About a project when I first started coding a long time ago.
Looking For: To network
/Answer Posted By: Stephanie
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
"Embrace sucking." This was handed down to me by a professor in college where I was seeking perfection. Until you can admit to your shortcomings and "embrace sucking," then you can move forward and be better at whatever you are working towards.
Looking For: I'm looking for ways to expand my skills and help others to be successful in a collaborative, fast-p...
/Answer Posted By: Mark
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Everything in moderation. Especially moderation.
Looking For: I'm looking to connect with other developers and entrepreneurs.
/Answer Posted By: Jesse
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Do not neglect your health.
Looking For: Join another startup in a part-time to full time capacity.
/Answer Posted By: Steve
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Keep it simple, stupid.
Looking For: Looking to find an interesting startup to be part of
/Answer Posted By: Taras
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Don't try to please everyone. It's impossible and you will be bad for everyone.
Looking For: Connections
/Answer Posted By: Jesse
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
You always have time for the things you put first.
Looking For: Amazing people. Groundbreaking companies.
/Answer Posted By: Adhi
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
To always work hard in silence and let success make the noise.
Looking For: I want to connect with people working in startups to learn new ideas and possibly get some hands on ...
/Answer Posted By: Charissa
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Always CYA and then work on creating something amazing.
Looking For: I'm looking for a company that is looking to grow and sees me as a valuable resource to help them do...
/Answer Posted By: Bryan
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Be curious, try many things so you know what you like/don't like.
Looking For: Interesting Startups to join and help add value
/Answer Posted By: Julie
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Never take advice from someone you would not trade places with.
Looking For:
/Answer Posted By: Danny
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
To not take other people's advice
Looking For: CTO
/Answer Posted By: Kevin
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
The perfect time to start is now!
Looking For: CTO-Co-Founder
/Answer Posted By: Brooke
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Pay it forward. There has been many people who have been generous of their time to help me grow and now I look for ways to give that back to others.
Looking For: To work with teams that care about the quality of code, ethics of software, and strong engineering p...
/Answer Posted By: Tom
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Equity is the most expensive asset you have.
Looking For: looking to find other security/technology minded people
/Answer Posted By: Micah
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Whatever you do, just make sure that your kids know that they are loved by you, the rest will fall into place.
Looking For: Technical Co-founder type to help build a Progressive Web App utilizing CircleC and version control ...
/Answer Posted By: Adam
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Don't grow up - it's a trick!
Looking For: Enlightenment.
/Answer Posted By: Samantha
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Not trying is the failure, not the outcome
Looking For: A CTO co-founder
/Answer Posted By: Paul
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Everything is negotiable.
Looking For:
/Answer Posted By: Alvin
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Pause before you act
Looking For: Just left a startup, looking for an interesting startup to join, potential co-founder and meeting ot...
/Answer Posted By: Christopher
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Make your clients uncomfortable, at least a couple times per year, or they will leave you for someone more exciting.
Looking For: Contacts & Team Members
/Answer Posted By: Arlene
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
"You are a motivated person - keep learning!"
Looking For: I am looking for those who can communicate ideas, and are willing to teach and learn from someone wh...
/Answer Posted By: Bigyan
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Start early, start small.
Looking For: Co-founder
/Answer Posted By: Chris
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
The rear view mirror is tiny for a reason, stop checking what is past and look at what is coming
Looking For: Looking for a passionate co-founder with ability to develop
/Answer Posted By: Perez
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
What got you hear won’t get you there.
Looking For: strategic briskness Partner
/Answer Posted By: Alex
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Always keep your head above water and never sink.
Looking For: I am looking for a cofounder with expertise in startups and previous startup experience
/Answer Posted By: Rob
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Focus on finding problems to solve, rather than on the solutions that I like.
Looking For: Just checking it out.
/Answer Posted By: Betty
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Don't apologize for your work: present it, and let people make their own decisions about it.
Looking For:
/Answer Posted By: Mark
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Nobody on their deathbed has ever said "I wish I had spent more time at the office".
Looking For: Looking for a startup with customers and sales that I could invest into, with either my skills and/o...
/Answer Posted By: Thomas
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Never argue when someone is trying to give you money.
Looking For: Pitch to developers meetup
/Answer Posted By: Bhavana
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Step away and avoid verbal altercations
Looking For: Looking to be a part of exciting new startups as a co-founder or in a leadership role
/Answer Posted By: mark
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
"Move to where you want to be then make "it" happen."
"dont ever get sucked into corporate, find a way to pursue life outside of it"
Looking For: opportunity
/Answer Posted By: Casey
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
There’s nothing that comes your way that you can’t handle. Less capable people than you have succeeded in the struggles you face.
Looking For: Meet ambitious people who want to build a vision
/Answer Posted By: Adrian
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
get out of your comfort zone, it's the only way to get to the next level
Looking For: new ideas, new people, new opportunities
/Answer Posted By: Garnet
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
To try everything twice. Once is never enough for a final decision.
Looking For: I'm looking for a technical cofounder, or possibly a freelance developer
/Answer Posted By: Hunter
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
I've given a lot of bad, poorly-timed advice, or advice that people are not ready for. I think, the best advice I could give is, this is what works for me, this is what I'm really passionate about... If anyone thinks what I'm doing is attractive, and if that person thinks they're ready for it, then go ahead and investigate it, however you're most comfortable, if and when you think you're ready to process that knowledge.
Looking For: fellow furries, anarchists, blockchain enthusiasts, queer folx, and also anyone who appreciates us
/Answer Posted By: Catalin
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Go to the medic!
Looking For: A startup to join.
/Answer Posted By: David
What's the best advice that you've ever been given?
Be honest and transparent.
Looking For: I want to know if this will work. I've tried a few other ways to find people but none have panned ou...