What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?

View Profile About Brittany
Looking to Join a Venture?
I'm Looking For
My startup is called Friendly Meals. People can hire someone in their neighborhood to come to their home and prepare a healthy meal. We've had a few customers in Denver who ordered our service and provided positive feedback. We're currently looking for people who want to cook in the Boulder/Denver areas. I'm also looking for feedback on my idea and pitch deck.
Quick Summary
I'm an entrepreneur on a mission to make the world a healthier place.
I Enjoy
I enjoy learning new frameworks, coding, photography (I'm a newbie), and cooking.
My Skills
I have some full stack development experience and have worked in the following languages and frameworks: Javascript, NodeJS, Polymer, and Vue. I also have excellent project management, organization, and communication skills.
My History
Friendly Meals had a few customers in Denver who ordered our service and provided positive feedback. We have signed up two cooks so far from our website at eatfriendlymeals.com.
I'm Building
I am currently creating forms on Friendly Meals website for people who want to order a meal. I'm also looking for people interested in cooking for Friendly Meals in Denver/Boulder.

Brittany's Ventures
Friendly Meals Established: 03/17/2019
My startup is called Friendly Meals. People can hire someone in their neighborhood to come to their home and prepare a healthy meal.

What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?

Brittany's Answer
I have a few hobbies I would do if time and money were not an issue. They are acting in plays or commercials, singing in a choir or band, and taking more photography classes.

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